Alternative PHP Cache(APC)

 Alternative PHP Cache is a free and open (PHP license) framework that caches the output of the PHP bytecode compiler in shared memory, thus reducing parsing and disk I/O overhead for later requests; and a shared memory cache for user data. For an application consisting of a large source code base such as Drupal, a 3x increase in page generation speed is possible as a result.

It has been used at Facebook and has a mature codebase thanks to numerous contributors, including Facebook itself.

APC was originally scheduled for inclusion into the PHP core no later than PHP 6.While multiple accelerator projects were considered desirable, the focus has since moved to Optimizer Plus, and, later, Zend Opcache that is included in the core distribution as of PHP 5.5. Since March 2013, a beta version of APCu (APC User Cache) is available, in which all opcode caching abilities have been removed to support user caches in shared memory using the familiar APC API.


PHP version: works with all PHP versions up to PHP 5.4 (3.1.13 - beta release)

Latest beta version: 3.1.13 (2012-09-03)

Latest stable version: 3.1.9 (2011-05-14)

Status: Dormant, potentially dead (no new releases since September 2012)

Download link: (source code, required for up-to-date compilation)

Official installation help: and (extension must be compiled against the sources of the PHP version it is to be used with; includes instructions for building on Windows)


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